Digital Service Providers

Tiara digital is a leading telecom service provider helping telecom business its ecosystem to enhance user engagement & experience, offering personalization.

Our Services

Our services includes Digital Marketing, Direct carrier billing, Product designing and Strategy Solutions.

Traffic Providers

Whether you want to promote an app in a certain country or reach a global audience, we have a product to match your advertising needs.

Billing Aggregator

The Tiara digital Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) solution is one of the region's leading mobile payments solutions.

Content Providers

Tiara digital is one of the leading specialist in mobile content solutions and owns well acclaimed content catalogue.

About Us

Tiara Digital is a service-driven business. We deliver flexible and reliable communication solutions and give the peace of mind that comes with working with a respected & well established service provider. We have a unique way of doing things—the Tiara Digital Way. Our portfolio includes Direct Carrier billing, Product Designing, Subscription Engine, Strategy Solutions, Dedicated Support, Connectivity, Hosted Telephony services, distribution, and Digital Marketing . These services enable us to offer a comprehensive range of communications solutions.

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